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Future farming and innovation in food production


Data and innovation provide the opportunity to improve the efficiency of food production, address environmental and sustainability concerns, meet ever changing consumer demands, and create healthier products. New Zealand as a competitive and innovative food producing nation, exporter, and respected global trade partner supports open, competitive and innovative markets. Our programme is interested in both the innovation space in future farming and food production and the development of alternative proteins.

Our programme is interested in both the innovation space in future farming and food production and the development of alternative proteins. On alternative proteins we know that the US will be the lead global regulator and have an influence on how other markets regulate in this space. Our focus is to ensure that we are involved and have an influence on US regulatory thinking ensuring that there is a level playing field for all protein products.



The Council is an established, non-partisan, non-government organisation focused on advancing New Zealand’s interests within a strong, mutually beneficial relationship with the US.



Our Story, Mission & Vision



A group of future-focussed thinkers, connectors and advocates who care about advancing New Zealand’s interests.



Executive Committee, Executive Director, Advisory Board