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Last week, the NZUS Council hosted a debrief session for our 2024 Congressional Interns at The University of Auckland. This event provided a valuable opportunity to reflect on their experiences in Washington D.C.  from November 2024 to January 2025, and gain insights into US policymaking and the evolving New Zealand/US relationship.
The session was chaired by NZUS Council Chair Jonathan Mason and Executive Director Fiona Cooper, who facilitated discussions with the interns about their time working on Capitol Hill. The interns shared their experiences, key learnings, and the professional development they gained during their placements in various congressional offices.This year’s cohort of interns represented some of New Zealand’s top universities and were placed in the offices of distinguished US law makers:

  • Silas Zhang (The University of Auckland) – Office of Congressman Don Bacon (R-Nebraska)
  • Jessica Wratt (University of Canterbury) – Office of Representative Tom Cole (R-Oklahoma)
  • Isellah Gordon (University of Canterbury) – Office of Congressman Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas)
  • Benjamin Christy (The University of Auckland) – Office of Representative Rick Larsen (D-Washington)

Throughout their internships, these students gained firsthand experience in legislative processes, policy research, and the inner workings of the US government. Their reflections underscored the programme’s value, not only in shaping their future careers but also in fostering meaningful connections between New Zealand and the United States.

During the discussion, the interns highlighted several key aspects of their experiences:

  • Working directly with congressional offices provided valuable insights into legislative decision-making and policy development.
  • Engaging with US policymakers and their staff helped build deeper connections between our two nations.
  • The programme offered unique opportunities to develop professional skills and establish networks with influential leaders in Washington D.C.

The NZUS Council is proud to offer this internship programme, which continues to equip emerging leaders with knowledge and experience that will benefit New Zealand’s international engagement. We extend our gratitude to the Members of Congress and their teams for hosting our interns, and to our partners at the University of Canterbury, the University of Auckland, the New Zealand Embassy and Air New Zealand, and, of course, our interns for their hard work, enthusiasm and commitment.

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